校训校风 当前位置:首页 > 学校概况 > 校训校风

Lian Bang to the Future

学校校训:民族情怀 国际视野
School Motto: National Feelings    International Vision 
办学愿景:对话世界 遇见未来
School Vision: Talk to the World    Meet the Future
办学理念:多元构建 特色引领 高质发展
School Philosophy:Construct with Diversity 
Led by Characteristics 
Develop with Quality
Cultivation Goals: Cultivate new generations with "Ideal, Ability and Responsibility".
校风:厚德励志  求真力行
School Ethos: Virtuous  Inspirational  Truth-Seeking  Diligent
教风:敬业精业  启智润心
Teaching Spirit:   Be dedicated and professional   
Inspire intelligence and nourish minds
学风:乐学善思 笃行致远
Learning spirit: Enjoy learning and thinking   Persist to practice and achieve success