电话:400-119-9991 招生简章
Enrollment Guide招生简章


/ Admission
  我们的国际部   Our International Department 

河北联邦外国语学校(原河北联邦国际学校)是省市教育行政主管部门批准的集幼儿园、小学、初中、高中、国际部为一体的一所省级示范性学校。坐落于省会桥西区新华西路209号,是省会知名、设施一流的现代化智慧校园。其鲜明的办学特色、独特的教育理念、淳厚的校园文化、优质的教育资源美誉燕赵大地。国际部承载着学校出国留学、来华留学、长短期中外师生交换、国际预科等国际交流工作。与美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、英国、日本等16个国家近一百所院校开展国际交流,开设英、美、加、澳、日名校直通车课程,免高考直升世界名校。开启“一带一路”人才联合培养计划,高考与世界名校计划并行,搭建起意大利、西班牙、法国、匈牙利等名校间的桥梁。国际部开设雅思 、二外课程 、A-level预备课程 、澳大利亚莫纳什大学MEB10课程、新南威尔士大学预科等课程。充分融合中外文化和教育理念,在夯实国内基础教育的同时,将优质的国际教育资源有机融合,成就学生的世界名校梦想。
Hebei Lianbang Foreign Language School (Original name: Hebei Lianbang International School)is a Provincial Model School approved by provincial and municipal educational administration. It includes kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school and international department.The school is situated at NO.209 of Xinhua Road, Qiaoxi District,Shijiazhuang City. The modernized smart campus has won a great reputation in Hebei province by its distinctive school-running characteristics, unique educational philosophy, rich campus culture and high-quality education.
The International Department carries the school's international exchange projects such as Chinese students studying abroad, foreign students studying in China, long-term and short-term exchange of Chinese and foreign teachers and students as well as international preparatory courses for universities. It conducts international exchanges with nearly 100 colleges and universities in 16 countries including the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Japan, and offers direct pathway courses for famous schools in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, and Japan, which provides students chances to be exempted from the college entrance examination. The "Belt and Road" talent joint-training plan was launched here as well to build a bridge between famous schools in Italy, Spain, France, and Hungary, so that the college entrance examination was paralleled with the world famous school plan. The International Department offers courses including IELTS.

  专家治校    Educational specialists leadership 

  骨干师资  Backbone Teacher   

  留学方向及课程  Orientation & Curriculums of Studying Abroad   

  国际课程项目  International Curriculum Programs  

  我们的六大优势   Our Advantages  

  国际教育交流  International Communication  

咨询热线:400-119-9991 招生办:0311-68126166/68126155 幼儿园:0311-68126066 小学部:0311-68126077
初中部:0311-68126088  高中部:0311-68126055 国际部: 0311-68126070
版权所有 © 河北联邦外国语学校 联系地址:石家庄市新华路209号 邮编:050000
网站备案/许可证编号: 冀ICP备15024383号-2号 技术支持:蓝点网络